Sunday, August 12, 2007

My New IPod Cover

As many of you may already know, I enjoy music, but what many of you may not know is that there is this crazy new device from the future called an iPod (pronounced eye-pod).

I don’t know how successful it will end up being, but I do know that it can hold at least 50 songs in its voodoo black magic box.

I’ve actually had an iPod since I could walk and talk and actually auditioned for the role of hot pink silhouette of a dancer in iPod commercial 12. I failed at that, but I didn’t fail at making iPod covers.

Some of you may recall the iPod cover I concocted after winning Monmouth last year, but that is blown out of the water by the newest iPod cover I made at work this week.

Special thanks to my cubicle mate Gordon Hua for misdiagnosing his respiratory scabies as allergies and consequently purchasing and consuming all 24 pills of a Claritin knock-off. Without the box, I would have finished working on spreadsheets 15 minutes earlier, and that’s lame.

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