Monday, August 13, 2007

India Update 4

2 the number of t-shirts Gordon packed for two weeks in India

10 the number of t-shirts Gordon has bought in India (6 of the Taj Mahal, 2 of Hatis (elephants), 1 from Hard Rock, and 1 that proclaims "Proud to be Indian"). This seals Gordon's "hopelessly a tourist" look.

Like Pushkar, Jaipur bans meat, alcohol, parties, and dancing. Our driver Lucky knew we were down about the lacking night life of Jaipur, so he drove around town blaring Hindi pop music with the windows down. Gordon and I actually knew all the words to the songs as it has been the only tape Lucky has played during our past six days together. So we spent our last night in Jaipur driving around town while other citizens stared at us singing along to the musical stylings of Aap Aar Suroor. It was like being in high school again and driving around Lake Eufaula in the summer.

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